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Guestbook of In case of emergency... (Glass Park)

by avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel

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avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
3 years, 128 days ago
I have seen some before, even in levels created before I joined, but not to the extent I use them here. XD Most things you can do with them you can just do with barrels for free, that's probably why. But here it's essential they are not barrels. XD
avatar-Eeveeiott Eeveeiott
3 years, 128 days ago
More great puzzles! This also might be the only adventures I've ever seen use these glass blocks. XD
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
4 years, 271 days ago
Thank you. :D
avatar-Fritz_b Fritz_b
4 years, 272 days ago
All of these together take thinking-outside-the-box to whole new levels. Creators like these are why I keep coming back to Below Kryll, another excellent level :D
avatar-jus jus
4 years, 294 days ago
scheu , mostro - i got that bit , just nothing ive tried or thought of has worked !
avatar-mostro mostro
4 years, 301 days ago
jus, as far as I can remember, this series certainly use some new, previously unheard of, game mechanics. So don't try to solve it using conventional game mechanics, try something new, think outside the box :P.
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
4 years, 304 days ago
As a general hint: The entire series is about finding ways to "break glass", using different objects to do that. Most shurikens require that.
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
4 years, 304 days ago
and again. I don't even know which shurikens you are missing.
avatar-jus jus
4 years, 304 days ago
or this !!!
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
4 years, 311 days ago
You need at least 2, yeah. No need to replay the entire level, though.
avatar-mostro mostro
4 years, 311 days ago
I'm guessing you can't perfect this in a single run?.
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