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Guestbook of Riddle Me This!

by avatar-serialzero serialzero

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avatar-Damonp45 Damonp45
3 years, 251 days ago
Not too hard. I liked it! I may just make my own.
avatar-serialzero serialzero
3 years, 261 days ago
Fixed the answer to question three, because I apparently goofed and wrote the wrong thing down. Also changed another answer that was TOO on-the-nose with how correct it could technically be. XD
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
3 years, 263 days ago
The others are fine though, so +1
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
3 years, 263 days ago
I would even say the "correct" answer is clearly wrong. That`s not how this item works.
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
3 years, 263 days ago
Some answer seems to be subjective. "Guard" fits better than the actually "correct" answer in my opinion, for example.
avatar-mostro mostro
3 years, 264 days ago
Pretty good, and not too annoying as some certain other level. +1.
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