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Guestbook of Samus Aran (art)

by avatar-Damonp45 Damonp45

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avatar-serialzero serialzero
3 years, 244 days ago
Awesome pixel art! :)
avatar-mostro mostro
3 years, 245 days ago
And it's definitely Varia.
avatar-mostro mostro
3 years, 245 days ago
Pretty good. +1.
avatar-Damonp45 Damonp45
3 years, 245 days ago
Whoops, frog statues can't be wall jumped. My bad. Well then, ignore that last part.
avatar-Damonp45 Damonp45
3 years, 245 days ago
Also, for those who don't understand why the Toad Statue is linked to the spawn point, that's in case anyone pushes it against the right wall and doesn't have Wall Jump yet.
avatar-Damonp45 Damonp45
3 years, 245 days ago
I originally had the locks when I was going to make this a story level. Forgot to remove them.
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
3 years, 246 days ago
That being said, very nice art! Good old times! :D Have a purple trophy: +1
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
3 years, 246 days ago
I would advise against locking up possible entries into your level. Makes it less likely you get vistors. Players coming from there will just turn around and play others levels. Best limit locking passage only to such which would give shortcuts to your shrine.
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