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Interfacing interfaces

Aug. 22, 2013, 10:16 a.m.

You probably already noticed that caves and places with backgrounds now make the terrain around them drop shadows - gives that "indoor" feeling a bit more depth.

I think I'm lost...

We have also extended the updates system, and now players can send messages to each other.
It's sorta like email, the other player doesn't have to be online, and they will get it whenever they log-in next time.

A new message..?

And clicking on the update, you will get the full history of your messages, and be able to send new ones.

To send a new player-to-player message, just click on any avatar that you may find in the game (guestbook, map, area name, updates...) or even simply click a nickname on an open chat panel!

And if we are already talking about new game interfaces - how about a brand new look for the guestbook?

You will have the minimap of the discussed area in the corner, and by clicking it you can open the map at those coordinates instantly! Navigating was never simpler.

This post was approved by strong TOD.

Enjoy this upcoming update, which will arrive later today, as we start to work on some exciting new features ;)

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