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Creativity overload

Oct. 27, 2013, 7:19 p.m.

The new version that will be upped today will be filled with new additions and fixes! Here are some of the bigger changes -

First of all, a feature that was already around for a while now is the Veil of Darkness.
Giving creators the power to completely turn the player's vision into silhouettes!
This dramatic change will make players explore carefully and harness their knowledge of items in Kryll to the max - as they can only make out items by their shape and movement pattern.
The background drawing will also turn mono-color - hiding from the player's eye until the darkness is no more.

Who turned out the lights?

How about setting the mood instantly in your area?
Use the new Ambience Jukebox to add ambient background sounds to your scene - be it gusts of wind on a high mountain, water drops in a dark cave, or a crowd of people - this handy item can easily be triggered or set to play the ambient sound when the player gets close enough.
You can even combine different ambient sounds to fine tune your creation.

Choices... Choices...

Here is a nifty little perk creators get - you can easily take a snapshot of your entire area in full resolution!
This is not a simple screenshot - but a perfect rendition of your creation for you to download.

I wonder how it looks like..!
Check it out!

Making a pixel artist's life easier is always a good thing!
With the ability to sample colors from the drawing itself, you can skip using the color palette bar every time you wish to change a color.
Speaking about the color palette bar - there is a new palette now as well - the Dim palette.

And now, adding music has become extremely versatile.
You can set specific notes to play when anything goes through them - whether it is a Bonon, a platform - or even Mitsu's own kunai - syncing up music has never been simpler!

"I'm so lonely..."

We are getting closer and closer to the Beta...
Stay tuned!

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