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Mitsu is getting stronger!

Oct. 29, 2013, 6:54 p.m.

In preparations for the upcoming beta, we are raising the max level of Mitsu to 19!

Those of you who are capped already at the max XP of level 10, will need to complete (or perfect) a single area to get to level 11 and go on from there.

About Mitsu's missing skills -
We have a detailed plan on what skills Mitsu will have (up to level 20), but they will be added later on; Naturally, once we add those skills, your character will posses them retroactively - meaning, if you are level 14, you will instantly gain the skills that have equal or lower requirements then your level.

Another small notice - we just gave players who played since before the Glory system all their missing glory.
So don't be alarmed if you suddenly get a large glory addition to your account! :)

Have fun!

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