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This has been echoed in the discussion chat as well, but I LOVE the new conditions set upon the reaper upon going through a skull line or passage shrine. In the same vein, I think it might be a cool idea to offer the Reaper as an epic item that level editors can activate under the following conditions:

1. Appears when a certain amount of time has passed in the level (which imo fits the Baron von Blubba memetic)
2. Appears/disappears when a trigger is activated/deactivated

I think this should require either the same or greater amount of trophies as the Race epic (300), seeing as it would function as a derivative of such. In addition, monologue for the Reaper per "stop" point might be fun as well...should that be fixed or customizable? If the latter, I would recommend a limit of 5-10 lines.




This is a great idea!
We'll definitely look into it!



Thanks much! Oh, also an idea for the ordering of customizable dialogue, I can think of two options: Sequential (in order of entry from 1-?) and Random. There could also be a checkbox labeled Loop Dialogue or such, which I think is self-explanatory. Also custom message(s) after killing the player would be fun, but I like the pre-existing ones as well. :)

  • Edited on 21/11/13


Thanks again, we'll definitely consider all our options for this item - it might be radially different or much like what you described :)

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