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This will help with a lot of levels that are story based and have a lot of text indicating what the player should do.

While I was running through my level for the 34th time and reading signs making sure they are reading able and making sure a player will know what the hell is going on I realise that a player won't have a clue. So in order to alleviate this problem there are a few (easy(I don't have an idea how easy easy is)) things that may help the game largely.

Basically the idea is a story indicator.
This can be in many forms.

- a slight flicker or shine that can be added to the object
- a sparkle that can be triggered and accompanied with a sound.
- a flash in an area of the screen to catch the players attention.
- circling an object with a pen trigger.

These things can happen for a moment with the case of the flash, or can be continuous as with the small sparkle.
I really think this can help creators show players what a sign is referring to or the path that an npc is pointing to.

Let me know what you think.



We definitely want to add easier and more streamlined tools to make the players experience more fluid and to the point.
Thanks for the suggestions, we will definitely take them into consideration.

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