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So, are you planning on help tagging areas in Below Kryll? This guide gives further explanations for each icon, helping you tag areas with more accuracy. USE THIS AS A GUIDE FOR TAGGING, THIS IS NOT A SET OF RULES.

Very Easy: It is an area that it's not difficult at all. This can be applied to any areas that you don't die or restart too much. If you thought that the area is a cakewalk, use this tag.

Very Hard: Does the level make you restart many times? Mitsu's gibs everywhere on screen? This is the right tag for the level.

NOTE: There is no 'Normal' level. By not picking both difficulty tags, you acknowledge that the level is of Normal difficulty.

Platformer: If the level involves timed jumps and platforms of any kind, use this tag. Parkour levels, levels with spike/bottomless pits get this tag.

Action: If the level involves major enemy killing, use this tag. Please note that killing a single mob to activate a trigger does not make the level 'action'.

Puzzle: If the level makes your head hurt, this is the tag. Puzzles can be quite varied in this game, but if there is a certain order to do tasks, or protect a mob or item, move it around the level, activate triggers in a certain way or solving written riddles, you can tag it 'Puzzle'.

Art: C'est Art! If the level features drawn art or (less frequently) nice poetry, use the Art tag. Pixelart is fun!

Music: Does it involve a composition of any kind? Music's the right tag. Note that small jingles don't make the level a Music level.

Story: Did the NPCs talk frequently? Did you notice a very faint form of narrative somewhere in the level? Click on this tag.

Happy: The level makes you happy, you click on this tag. Quite easy. It doesn't need to make you burst out in laughter; if it makes you feel good, or crack a little smile, the level already fits in the tag.

Sad: Ah... sadness... Did the story make you feel melancholic? Did the level make you cry? Or did the level disappoint you somehow? Use this tag. NOTE: Tagging a level 'Sad' doesn't mean it's bad, so fear not!

Scary: Very few things make me soil my pants. If the level is one of those things, tag it 'Scary'. Dark, eerie setting and/or story, sudden death traps that startle you or similar things all fall into this category.

Crazy: Finally, this is when the level is just bonkers. Did it confuse you in any shape or form? Or surprise you in a good way? Or was the level design breath-taking? Yup, crazy, isn't it?

Hope it helped picking the right tags! Have fun tagging!



Make it into a level. :D

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