14/03/14 So yeah! Basically, once every week, a random event occurs throughout Below Kryll! RNG may choose, or a schedule! :D -Tourist Shrine: Tourists are compelled to donate money to the shrines for no apparent reason. All gold gains from shrines are doubled for today! (not including exploration bonuses) -Power Shrine: An electrical freak thundershower rains from the heavens, supercharging all the shrines! All XP gsins from shrines are doubled for today! -Rift to the Unknown: A magical rift appears out of nowhere, because logic! Grants access to a level set! -Invasion of the Others: Somehow, the laws of space and time have been warped, and all players may kill each other in all levels! Excluding the story ones. You can choose to opt-out if you're like that ._. -Coin Rain: Coins spontaneously emerge from the ground and may be picked up for 1g apiece! Found randomly throughout all levels. -Doodle McDoodle: The scribbler got a sudden raise, and players are able to doodle without ink limits for today! Because the raise works for one day. Because logic. |