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I'd like following things to be added to level editor:

-Thwomp-like creature. Would work like Thwomps from Super Mario - going slowly upwards, then going fast down.
-"Safe" express log - instead of crushing player would turn other way around. May be implemented as Express Log's option, shouldn't replace basic EL functionality as this would broke player levels.
-Switches/triggers as strings instead of numbers. This would make easier for players to differentiate between switches - was switch #5 turning on gate or was it removing spikes? Also, you could have virtually unlimited amount of switches for different things.
-Ability to use some scripting language like Lua for advanced things. Not everything can be done in current editor and scripting feature, even if not used by all players/creators would empower those who choose to take their time and learn it.

-Collaborative editing. Basically you could invite some friends and edit area together.



Our world is separated into zones (Mitsu starts in the Takara Forest zone, and later descends into the Amethyst Caverns zone) -
Each zone has it's own set of items that behave completely different from other zones - and creatures that also do completely different things.
It is very likely that in future zones you will see thwomp like creatures, or safe express logs (for example, in the caverns, the platform acts the same - but the rail is transparent - making things more... interesting).

About the triggers being strings instead of numbers - that's definitely an awesome idea. I have no idea how I didn't think about it before :)
I'll need to see how it works with the current code and how backward compatible this change will be with the current world - but I sure like that direction.

About the scripting and collaborative editing - those are definitely cool features, but a bit out of the scope of the initial release of the game - in the future - anything is possible :)

Thanks for the valuable input!



For switch backward compatibility, just use some IntToStr-like function so e.g. switch #5 will become switch "5".

Also how about teleporters that would teleport within area to different teleporter with same teleporter id? If there are more than 1 other teleporters with same ID, it'll choose target at random. That would give possibility for more fun levels.

Another thing is that I don't like locking specific items to specific areas. IMO all items should be accessible for all levels. This would give much more freedom to content creators.

Also streamlining idea: To select shape I want to use, I often find myself clicking Creating mode icon (the first one) instead of Setup. Maybe when creation tool is already selected, it should open setup dialog?



The main reason for locking specific items so specific zones, and specific floors within the zone, is that we really wanted each of the game's zones to have a certain feeling to it, both gameplay and visual;
Once you get to the caverns, you will notice how the items suddenly make the areas much more 'increadible machine' like, and the creatures in that zone complement the items that are available.
It also makes the creators change mindsets and try different things - and every new zone that will be introduced to the game will present many new options and possibilities.
The players (people who will play and not edit much) will also have a certain structure and expectations, and will be able to play more in zones that they personally favor due to the gameplay that is mostly present there.

The teleporters idea is certainly something we have considered :)

Oh, and thanks for the streamlining idea - it is a good one!

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