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Hey! Loving the game so far, and with this genre and framework, I think player housing could really shine.

It would work much like the current system, but there would be houses lining the top layer of the world (sometimes scattered, sometimes close) that when you pressed down in front of you can enter, much like entering a new area, just without going off the edge of the screen. If you own a house, you can choose to lock the door, leave it open or only allow certain people to enter (maybe password it?).

You could buy stuff for your house with gold, simple furniture and what not, and possibly upgrade the size of your house with fame.

The use for housing could be greatly expanded in a game like this, having teleporters to your areas etc. If you don't want a house anymore, you can choose to sell it or rent it. In which case another player can buy or rent it off you, renting would charge a certain amount of gold per day or something like that.

Loving the game, can't wait to see where it goes!



It seems that you have access to our game meeting notes! smile.png

It is definitely something we were toying around with - but are still unsure how it can blend with all the elements in the game (community, fame, the world).
You have an extremely detailed suggestion - and it will be examined carefully :)

Thanks for the suggestions!



Haha, well with a game of this kind, it's a sure thing that the topic of player housing will come up!

I'm glad you guys are addressing it, and it is important to ensure it blends with the rest of the elements in the game indeed. I'd love to spitball some idea's with you guys about it, you should totally think about setting up an IRC Channel over on freenode, it can really help build and connect a community!

Anyway, as I said, glad you guys are considering it!

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