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Where the hell do we get these names; Kryll, the name of a mini-prawn misspelled, Emory, a college; Enura, the order of frogs misspelled, Bonon , bonobo (an apey thing) misspelled?; vespi, vespine (of or relating to wasps, ok); Mook, literally means mob or enemy in gaming; cademon, cacodemon- an evil spirit or demon?; blood bat ok whateve; mitsu, meaning light, a japanese name, even though he's a ninja; fungoloid (hey, the top search result is the wiki!) fungus-loid. WoW did it too but they were giant and walked. Gopter; glider copter ok; Goblin wheel, why is there a goblin wheel if there are no other goblins :|; Halcyon, a mythical bird or peace? wat?; Koyo flower, kikyo flower (Japanese purple flower mmmhmmm); amanita, a type of fungus that looks like the one in the game; Kudzu is a group of plants. They are climbing, coiling, and trailing perennial vines native to much of eastern Asia, southeast Asia, and some Pacific Islands.



Oh and giant bonsai is an oxymoron



i have no idea about the others but its look like the goblins are realted with the lore of the world(read the iteam descrpation of the frog statue)



What lore?? We make the lore unless its in mitsus story

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