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This game is amazing, but the fact of the matter is that the game doesn't really have many players. The problem with this is that:

a) Less adventures are created.
b) With less adventures, less income is generated by the player which prevents making more levels.
c) Cycle repeats.

(It's more complicated than that, but yeah)

Why not create a Kickstarter for Below Kryll? I know you all tried to get funded on Indiegogo, but I feel as if there is a bigger target audience who is willing to help you guys out on Kickstarter.

Just a suggestion to see this game grow :D



But why would the game need to be kick started? Generally, the game is on it's feet and just needs more players, so what it really need is a larger player base. I think putting some demos on website like armor games and kongregate would really help to draw people in and sooner or later steam greenlight will have enough upvotes to fill the quota, so we can get the steam release.



That would also work, I guess. The problem is that people on Kong (as far as I can tell) don't really like demos. Although this would probably be an exception. No idea how it may be received on AG.

That could be an alternative as well. All this game needs are players.



Rather than a "demo" you could just put the normal f2p part of the game on kong using the BelowKryll server and just make a simple account set up thing, but that would have problems with a steam transfer, unless they had like a <K> tag next to their name and AG players could get an <AG> anso that accounts get less jumbled.



I think this game needs to be able to accommodate a large amount of people if it's wishing to expand its fan base. I'm at a point in the game where I am no longer interested in looking for levels but instead prefer the levels coming to me.

With out the quests active I am unable to find new levels quick enough for them to be worth my time. This is only a small problem that the quests easily solved and allowed me to farm crystals to a ridiculous extent.

Having a large fan base will probably make this game crumble under the shear weight of small irritations (bugs) which I can see being smoothed out in the future. Only then will I be in favour of drawing many more people.

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