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I'd like to start a discussion on the topic of captivating an audience in terms of game mechanics. Mainly because I think its beneficial.

1. Since the removal of gems we haven't seen much activity. I think a game with loads of levels to do should encourage it whenever it can. The quest system was hugely beneficial. As we always have something to do.

2. In your face. When reading a book on a tablet, once you finish that book it throws other books in your face as suggestions to read, which keeps you reading. The Quest system did this well because it threw the next challenge in your face so we didn't have to find it.

3. Achievements. With the lack of, our mitsu characters feel shallow and we have nothing to show for the 20 000 glory we've racked up, a little bit of appreciation goes a long way. the first 5 000 glory you rack up should come with flags banners and badges to make you feel special.

4. exploration, hasn't taken off since the beginning of Kryll since user content on the left of the map is no different from that on the right of the map. (Don't get me wrong, some of the levels are outstanding, but they cant be replayed, which is a good thing cause I dont want to re do all 532 level) But if the Devs made something that creators can't. in a sense of an oasis filled with bizarre things you;d never find else where. An example of this; is the area after the tutorial.

5. Time, one great example is Minecraft with the night-day cycles providing a new challenge throughout, this keeps people addicted! but with kryll I'm faced with the same background for 3 straight hours and provided with no variety. If I saw someone playing this game and came back in 3 hours I would assume they haven't done anything, just because it would seem nothing has changed.

1. Quests. Provide an objective.
2. Spoon Feeding. Throw the objective in players face.
3. Achievements. Make player feel special for completing objective/going the extra mile.
4. Throw something different into the mix and see what happens.
5. Make players feel like they've progressed & Make them see/feel how the game can change when progressing.

I would Love to hear your thoughts on my thoughts!

  • Edited on 20/07/14


+1 to this.
Although I feel like point #2 may actual be disadvantageous, as putting an objective in a player's face causes some people (I'm one, unfortunately >.<) to avoid doing anything else until he or she completes the objective, thus discouraging exploration.

However, this list of ideas is awesome!

I would suggest some more things:

1. Events. Do special level sets or scavenger hunts that are open one week per month or something, with a bonus for completion or an achievement.

2. Character Customization. Considering that we can now see each other in levels, letting us customize our characters would be awesome!

3. World Edit. Let us edit how large we could make our level and/or certain aspects, such as low gravity!

4. Day/Night Cycle! Like the night scenes in the tutorial (before it was changed)

5. More editor items xD

Seriously, can't wait for the update to bring in more people!



"avoid doing anything else until he or she completes the objective"

Proof and Point, Captivating!



I want to add to number 4. that if the Devs made an oasis somewhere in the map, and made them stick out with shiny glowing ribbons, this would encourage people to build to the oasis, and encourage people to play to get to the oasis.

Example, the Cavern levels and the lowest level of the game, is a made-up objective (Players feel curious to know what happens down there, so they make it into an objective)



> 3. World Edit. Let us edit how large we could make our level and/or certain aspects, such as low gravity!
That sounds interesting indeed. Maybe let players pay 500 coins per block and their fame/glory decides how much they can buy (so that it can't be easily exploited).

  • Edited on 20/07/14


I dont like the idea of having an astronaut ninja, what's next a tornado filled with sharks haha.

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