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If you have read the NPC comments at 48e2, you've probably read about some slowdowns on the editor (and ingame, actually) when using lots of Piko plants. Well, while designing my latest level, which is really lightweight in comparison, I also experienced slowdowns to the point that the game was complaining something like "Calculations too heavy, need a better CPU". Well, it's obvious that the level hasn't any complicated designs and my CPU is more than capable as I've been playing the game all this time and creating levels alike. So taking a closer look to try and figure out what was causing the slowdowns, I think that the cause is animated objects in the design mode.

You see, I added a WIP cone to my level (it is an animated icon) and simply moving the view near to it caused noticeable slowdowns but not only that, adding objects near to it (which produce an animated effect) made the slowdown even more noticeable. I noticed this too in my Piko plant level where the slowdown can be a combination of the large number of objects AND animation effects.

I guess there's defnitely a bug there and even if it's not a bug, it could help if the editor disabled animation effects when the CPU load is too high.

Also an old WIP cone bug is still present. If you add a WIP cone to your level it works fine but when you try to remove it, it is actually removed but the graphic remains on screen which can be confusing.



Sometimes, a process outside the game can cause that message to appear - Such as many open tabs in your browser, using skype or rendering something such as videos.



The game shows this message if it cannot maintain a stable 30fps;
Since this is a flash game, a few things can cause this issue:

  • Actual CPU stress
  • The flash player is working on other flash apps as well (such as youtube)
  • The browser is having performance issues (this can mostly be solved if the game is in full screen mode)


  • Play in full screen
  • Play on Chrome (it has a different embedded flash player then the other browsers, which seems to work better)
  • Make sure you have at least 500mb memory free when you run the game

You can also use the magical key combination: CTRL + SHIFT + L + ~
This will show you the FPS the game runs at;
It will also show you the memory that all of the running flashes on your computer take - if this number is higher then 500mb, then you probably have some other heavy duty flash running somewhere.



Needless to say, all these issues will not be a problem once the game is released as an executable.

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