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We are planning on releasing the game as an executable, downloadable from this site, in the next couple of days.

While the executable is pretty much the same as the web application, it does have some advantages (faster, better fullscreen handling, some other minor changes);
We would love it if you can check it out and play on it some to help us make sure it is stable and working well, before we release it on Steam.

Stay tuned!

  • Edited on 01/05/15


(*o*) waiting

  • Edited on 02/05/15


I guess you've probably read this on the game chat but just in case I'm writing it here.

The executable version seems fine but there are a couple of issues. Windowed mode seems to have some fps issues, it kinda "jumps". Fullscreen mode runs smoothly, though.
Also, there is a bug if you try to access your profile from the exe version, you'll be redirected to an invalid webpage (server error 500). In fact, the same thing happen if you try to access any of the other options that redirect to a webpage (profile, fame, change avatar, glory).



Oh, also, in Firefox, the "download game" and "play in browser buttons" on the webpage seem to be misplaced.

Also, I guess there should be a dedicated Download page clearly indicating the download or play in browser links for people that just discovered the game.



Thanks for the input!
About the misplaced buttons - you see them misplaced because one of the files did not update for you - press Ctrl+F5 and it should fix itself (new players will see it OK from the get go).

Once we have the game for more then one platform we do plan on creating a dedicated download page.

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