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Executable time!

The website now has a download button for an executable version of the game!
The executable version will update itself when new versions are released, so much like the web version it will keep up with the latest releases automatically.

New in this ver:

  • The 'point of interest' item now has a new option - Permanent text - which if enabled will show the final popup from the POI indefinitely
  • You can now cancel a normal standing attack into a jump, meaning that you will no longer be stuck in the standing attack animation before being able to jump again

Executable only:

  • Released an executable version of the game!
    • You can grab the version from the download button on the top
  • ALT + Enter will toggle fullscreen/windowed mode
  • ESC will toggle the settings menu
  • 'Quit to desktop' option was added to the settings menu
  • The game will start in fullscreen by default, but will save the last fullscreen/windowed state for the next runs.


On the log in, in the Browser version, after denying the full screen mode I usually resize the frame with Force stretch/pixel perfection option, and fit my window. Trying it now I get a little bug. Clicking on that (even now, after I get the size I prefer) not works properly, doesn't make any changes, I need to resize manually the window, with the classic drag the right bottom corner option, to get the wanted result



You are right!
Will be fixed for the next version.

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