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I made two stages the other day, got enough to get something Epic, but it tells me I can NOT share Epic items between adventures, what does that mean? That if I buy something Epic, even an infinite amount type, that I can only use it for ONE SINGLE room?



That is correct, Epic items are at least currently tied to the room they are purchased for.

This does mean that it's a bit hard to really get going early on if you want a bunch of Epic items (though this does in turn mean that you'll become much more familiar with all the ways you can use the non-Epic ones), but the more maps you make the quicker you can get Fame for Epic purchases (assuming they are made well enough to get a +1 from someone) and as the community grows the number of people going around playing and upvoting maps likewise increases.



The reason behind this mechanism is that we don't want to over-saturate the world with Epics, to make them retain their value and prestige, and separate them from normal items.
If someone would have been able to 'strip' one of his old adventures from Epics and move them all to a new adventure he made, that would potentially lower the quality of older adventures and also lower the value of trophies around the world, which should always be a goal for creators to get (to preserve the need to create high quality content).

That said, we do plan on enabling Epics to be tested in the sandbox mode, letting creators know what they are getting before actually spending their trophies.

Hope this helped clear things out!
Oh, and welcome to Kryll :)



Is it possible to test them for free in sandbox mode now?
I don't dare to spend my few trophies in sandbox and then loose them...



Yes, you can try them in the sandbox for free.

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