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I thought up a bunch of things I thought would be a nice addition to the game. Tell me what you think!


- Walls that look like normal terrain but can be walked through. Gadgets can be placed behind them. Maybe even have a trigger that activates and deactivates the ability to walk through them.
- Monster only paths. A pine bridge-like path that only enemies can walk on, a player will fall through it.
- Terrain that hurts on touch.
- Barrel sized pushable object that can't break

Changes to existing objects

- Allow POIs to respawn.
- Allow attaching spikes and gates to ceilings and walls.
- Swap the placement of the left and right buttons on elevator inspections in the editor, currently right is on the left and left is on the right and it throws me off sometimes.
- Add a trigger on elevators that reverses movement direction when activated.


- Logic RANDOM. It has one input, and five outputs. When the input is detected, 1 to 4 (default one, can be changed in inspection) of the outputs is activated. If an output box is left empty, it will be ignored and not included when randomly choosing a box.

Epic Items (These ones are probably too complicated to add anytime soon, and I wouldn't blame you if you outright rejected them.)

- Gravity Swap. Exactly what you'd expect. Activatable like the Darkness, and reverses gravity.
-Mirror Mitsu. Looks like Mitsu but brighter. When you go left, he goes left. When you jump, he jumps. When you throw kunai, he does too! Anything you does, he also does. But be careful, you can both hit eachother!
-Music Trigger. Similarly to the Sound epic item, this changes the background music when activated. There's sad music, crazy music, epic music, everything!


- If a gate closes on top of an Enura while he's one a log bridge, he passes through it instead of the gate stopping.

That's it! Thanks for your time, and I may edit with more in the future! :)

  • Edited on 01/06/15
  • Edited on 01/06/15
  • Edited on 02/06/15
  • Edited on 02/06/15
  • Edited on 02/06/15


> Walls that look like normal terrain but can be walked through. Gadgets can be placed behind them. Maybe even have a trigger that activates and deactivates the ability to walk through them.
Not sure about this, could be exploited to make finding your way extra hard for no reason. Now, if they had a slightly different look, that would be OK. Terrain looking doors would be interesting, though (as long as they have a distinctive look).

> Monster only paths. A pine bridge-like path that only enemies can walk on, a player will fall through it.
Hmm... sounds good.

> Allow attaching spikes and gates to ceilings and walls.
Have been suggested before, don't know how it would affect game mechanics, though.

> Terrain that hurts on touch.
Given that Mitsu has only 3 HP, doesn't sound too useful.

> Allow POIs to respawn.
I second this.

> Swap the placement of the left and right buttons on elevator inspections in the editor, currently right is on the left and left is on the right and it throws me off sometimes.
Makes sense :D.



> Not sure about this, could be exploited to make finding your way extra hard for no reason. Now, if they had a slightly different look, that would be OK. Terrain looking doors would be interesting, though (as long as they have a distinctive look).
I agree that they might need a distinct look, but the fact that people could tell them apart is the problem then. It sort of ruins the point.
> Given that Mitsu has only 3 HP, doesn't sound too useful.
I was thinking it could be used for making more precise platforming, or have floating objects that damage you.



About the secret areas, we were discussing such a feature a long time ago.
We do have some ideas and designs for it - not sure it will arrive any time soon, but definitely an interesting aspect of the game that should be carefully explored (no pun intended).

About more spikes and killing terrains - while the game doesn't really lack in the 'ways to kill Mitsu' department, we do have plans for more items that can harm Mitsu - even if not exactly the items you suggested ;)

About Monster only paths - interesting suggestion, we'll add that to the 'things to consider' for now.

The left/right buttons swap and the respawn addition to POIs have already been implemented and will be released whenever the next version comes.

Thanks for all the suggestions!

  • Edited on 01/06/15


Thanks for reading and considering! I just added some more and organized things a little too!

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