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I came up with two NPC related ideas that I thought would be nice to have, enjoy!

Three-Four Way Conversations

This would use two or three NPCs along with Mitsu instead of just one, and could be used for if there is a large meeting of people or just multiple who are talking to you. My least wanted of the suggestions.

NPC Conversation

An NPC Conversation would be a conversation between two NPCs and no Mitsu. You could use two Sensei, a Scientist and a Rival, etc. They would appear when a specific trigger is activated, whether it be a POI to "listen" or a story trigger as you walk. Exclusive to an NPC Conversation is the Unknown NPC, which would simply be a question mark in the dialouge. No silhouette, no outline, just a question mark. If there were to be any expressions, they would be simple such as the tear drop or anger cross on some NPCs. My most wanted of the suggestions.

I was planning on adding a third thing, but instead I will incorporate it in a later suggestion.



Great suggestions!
Dialogs are always a fun way to tell a story - and those are some very nice ideas.

Speaking of story telling options, you'll be happy to know that we are adding a new story item (not epic) in the next patch that will also add some interesting options for creators :)



Sounds fun and exciting! Can't wait!

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