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Great game, im really enjoying it. The fact that its the players who make mitsu suffer makes this even more fun :)
I do have my share of suggestions, though. As I talked with Shockwave, maybe including wall and ceiling spikew, instead of just floor spikes? You know, for... Reasons ;)

But the main bulk of my suggestion is the mugshots when you talk with an event NPC. I know that the game is early in development, but those could be much better. I know that is just a cosmetic change, but it kinda explodes my pixelartist OCD...

I look forward to this game, definitely fun :)



Thanks for the kind words Gors!
(and also for the fun areas!)

About the spikes - our design is that every 'zone' (such as the Takara Forest or the Caverns) will have a completely different set of items; to keep things fresh and interesting as you pass from place to place.
It is very likely that in future areas you will see spikes (or other killing devices) that will be connected to places other then the floors.

About the mugshots, thank you for your input, we want to know anything and everything that you don't like about the game - it's the only way we can improve :)

See you around!



If anything, I could try my hand at them. I can't promise anything though.



Hello Gors and thanks for the feedback! Can you be a bit more specific about what you dislike in the images? Perhaps even provide a reference?



Well, my issues with them are pixelart-related, the mugshot sprites feel scribbled and dully shaded. I dont know if you want to go for a pixelart feel or digital art feel, but visually, theyre lacking. Pixelart is all about sharp graphics with thoughtfully put pixels.

For a visual example, compare this games face graphics with games such as say, street fighter II or Sega CD's Popful Mail. Im not saying to make the face graphics like that in any way, but at least use the same kind of detailing in pixelart.

(sorry for the art rant :( )



Gors, thank you! Your reply was spot-on and I fully understand the issue portrayed.
As you said, this is the alpha, so bear a bit longer despite your OCD :) but nothing is final



Smackware, the new Mitsu mugshot looks great.

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