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When you are about to judge a level, there shuld be an "This level pisses me of." tag beside the usual "I'm happy/sad/scared" tags.

Especially in levels like 11w4, the simple "this level scares me" tag just does not fit with what you really think of the level. You are not really scared of the level, you rather want to beat the developer up so hard that even his mother wouldnt recognize him anymore.
The reasons for this may differ:
The level is just insanely hard, the timer for the level is impossible to beat , or (like in 11w4) you just get suspended from the level after finishing 95 % of it.

So I think there should be a way to tell other players beforehand:
"Be awared! This level will piss you off really bad and you might consider killing someone.
Don't play it unless you have nerves of steel!"

And I just think that a new tag would solve a problem.
Perhaps a smiley with a really angry expression or something like that.



I think I know what you mean, but think more littly how to exhaust my frustation.
I was think more something live "Elite Ninja" (or even Jonin if you like the Naruto japan name for that rank) to tag the difficulty and the skills it requires.
IMHO most of mostro's and Eeveeiott's should have some warning like that. They usually put some trick that works with perfect execution of moves/technincs that don't leave much options of manuver.

Also I presume your talking about 12w4, cause I don't remeber any timer on the hive in 11w4 (I still way for the day I'm gonna do that level as a piece of cake. Or at least without risking to smash my keyboard)

  • Edited on 04/08/15


How about making it a different difficulty tag, "Masochistic"? I'd love to have that tag!



i think densch means that the level was extremely trollish and made him repeat the entire level due to one little mistake. something like "this level is really frustrating!" - which doesn't have to mean it is hard, just unfair or too annoying to complete for whatever reason...

try to put a death sword at the beginning with a warning :D (or write in the guestbook perhaps)

i usually choose the 'this level makes me sad' icon when dealing with such a level :)

  • Edited on 05/08/15


> try to put a death sword at the beginning with a warning :D
The swords keep disappearing from time to time. Not sure if it's a bug or if the devs are still making adjustments.



There is currently an issue where these swords disappear whenever we release a new version.
We will deal with it soon enough though.

We may also add a suicide option for Mitsu that will let him die in order to place a new death sword wherever he currently stands - for easy 'warning placements' ;)

  • Edited on 05/08/15


what if you make it so mitsu just thrusts his sword into the ground? This way the player doesn't need to obligatorily die when putting the message.



It's not that bad Gors' idea. (Are former disappeared swords completly lost without any, don't know, backups?)
Back on topic. I was playing 3w14 and thought that keyword could be Virtue.
If that is patience (that you need to find the narrow window of opportunity or that you need to endure some crazy sh-... shiFt) or if that this is bravery or kindness (like in a deep levels as 61e1 or other philosophical/inspirational ones) it could be all up to the author of the adventure.

Ps:Maybe I'm thinking too much out of the contest, but this idea was inspired from the sign hint (only for brave) in that adventure, suggested by zubit.



Yeah, I'm referring tolevels that troll the player, make him do nearly impossible stuff, etc.
Or these "once you activate the shrine, you wont be able perfect the level . never." kind of levels.

Just levels that exist to make people really angry and frustrated.

And the usual "happy/sad" thing just doesnt really fit my opinion about the level.

I will leave it to the other people to come up with a fitting tag name. ^^

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