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I'm wondering, what are the minimum requirements?
I actually use a MacBook to play it online, a mid 2010 model with OS X 10.6.8. It tells me the CPU is not enough when changing tab or doing something else in them and the fans are always in use because it heats quickly my mac even in air conditioned room.
Maybe I should clean the fans and I will do, since hot this summer is.
I now decided to try it from another pc. This is Windows 7 with a Core 2 duo as my mac (I even thought this could have better performances since it has a SSD Harddrive) but I was suprised to see it actually run slower with visible low FPS even moving the mouse.



We are going to add a feature that stops the game from working hard while paused and out of focus.

If you are playing on a Windows machine, I do suggest using the executable version which is far less resource hungry than the web version.

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