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Not really a suggestion but rather a question:
Is there any other way to get trophies beside people rating your levels?

Quite often I have enough money to create a new level and I also have many ideas for it, but I dont have close enough trophies to put even half of my ideas into practice.

For example:
I get around 70 trophies once one of my levels gets rated.
The portal alone costs 60 trophies.

I wonder how other people manage to create levels with portal, surprise sensei, emory enemies and other stuff in it? O_o

That must cost at least 500 trophies! :O
(dark/light switch not included)

Where do you guys get all the trophies for this stuff? :O



Play a lot and have a lot of patience, really :P. I've indeed used 500+ trophies in a single level but then I'm left almost without trophies, so you have to sit and wait :P. Making level that are easy but fun helps getting those ranked faster to get trophies.



I think is due to the fact who used so much trophies were backed up by the fact there were many players before (or since then many hav played their adventures). This can really helps.
I arrived here at january and ,just after a couple of month I was absent, I finally found most of my adventures unranked with 8-9 players who have completed my unranked ones and like a total of 17 - 21 my previously ranked adventures. This made me a little fortune.
But I noticed a newer player, oedipexgalaxy, started creating adventures in the period I was absent. That must have been a crowded period, cause he got more Fame than me that he is still 15th in the Fame Ladder, right on top of me. Even if less deeper levels get less trophies bonus!

Indeed this is the idea of the game, reward most liked creative players to give the opportnity to create more and more. So once it will be released on Steam I hope to see more players :)

But in meantime I'm just waiting some new player or old veterans to causally come by and maybe help the ranking.
BTW I think we should advice new ones (who I saw come, play just a couple of adventures and go away) some cool adventures on first floor. As I said in the Welcome Party topic here on the forum



Hopefully, once the game gets officially released on Steam, there will be more players and trophies will be easier to get.

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