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Ladies and Gentleman, I have just completed a study spree for my dissertation and my suggestion brain is pumped.

Right so these need to be worked on, for several reasons.
1. I get 4 pages of them every time I open up the game.
2. Half of them I don't care for.
SO: How can we make these notifications more efficient?
Well here are my suggestions and problems:

1. We are able to see which notifications are new, but once you click on one the NEW Disappears on all of them.
This makes it nearly impossible to track where you were in your list of notifications.
2. I receive notifications from nearly every area I have posted on, I have completed over 500 areas so you can imagine that new comments on area come in on quite a regular basis. I don't care much about a newbies post on an area I completed a year ago, getting ride of these would be great.
3. Some way of subscribing to an areas comments, or notification that our name is mentioned, or
4. Filtering, I think each type of notification should be kept separate from one another. Direct messages, My own area comments, other area comments, race replays, ranking areas.
5. Comments on areas are usually for the creator, so maybe separate these from public comments. Or have an up vote system in the comments, constructive comments are usually lost in the history of the pages.

I don't think any platform still uses pages, it adds an extra mouse click every time you want to see more. More mouse clicks=more effort, so minimising the amount one has to use their Right Click makes for better efficiency. (eg. Having the toolbar always open on this webpage would be another example of where one can make it more efficient, a button to close it would satisfy user preferences, and keeping it closed once they have asked for it to be closed would make a user more comfortable/less frustrated)

There are two types of comments, Critics to the creator and Discursive comments to other players. I believe these can be separated.

The way NEW disappears is quite an important one to me.

Hope this helps you Borom, If I can help in any way, more. Let me know.

  • Edited on 25/10/15


I started to think something about it too, but never reached 4 pages. I agree, some upgrades of the current system is necessary



An upvote system also promotes people to be more engaging. and its cuts other silly comments away



All good suggestions, thanks!

While the update panel improvements are a bit low priority at the moment, we are still logging requests and ideas that we have about this system.

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