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Hi all.

1) First of all, is there a search function which allows searching for existing topics somewhere? I'm always afraid that I'm posting something which has already been posted before, but I can't possibly go through ALL existing topics manually before posting... @_@

2) What does the little red plus on the map stand for? I used to think it stands for me givin or not giving a +1 to that level. But I noticed that a lot of levels where I gave +1 don't have it. So what does it mean?? Maybe it stands for...

3) Favorite Levels: Is it possible to mark a level as such? How?

4) Purple trophies: Are there further options to get trophies (aside from by +1)?

5) Is there a possibility to inform players about updates of a level aside from posting a guestbook entry?

6) Can I move the default starting point of my levels, or can it only be the point where I first entered?

  • Edited on 20/02/16


I can only answer for the second for sure, I think the others don't have a positive answers.

That read plus stand exactly for +1. But they are not immediatly added, it takes a bit of time to updated that. The only case in which is not counted (aside for authors that can vote their own adventures) is when a player doesn't like the adventure.



Thanks for the info, teb!

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