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It was probably mentioned before but a randomizer gate would be cool.

Make it a logic gate, whenever the input trigger is activated, then either on or off is given as an output trigger.
wether it is on or off as output is decided randomly, therefor randomizer.

Best way would be if it were a one impuls trigger, you know like the death trigger of a bonon and other stuff.

So we could use the same randomizer gate multiple times in a level whenever the input trigger is activated.

I dont know which programming language you are using so I cant say for sure how to implement it.

So I shall show the basic principle I woulduse to implement it:
take a random() function from a library of your programming language which returns a number between 0 and 9.

then create a function like this:

function abc (optional input):
int x=math..random();
if 0<=x<=4:
return "on";
if 5<=x<=9:
return "off";

So whenever in-game a goat trigger is activated (its input trigger is "on", even if only for a second), then the function abc is called and its result is given back as the ingame output trigger of the randomizer gate.

Input trigger for a randomizer could for example be the death of a specific bonon and the output trigger could either raise spikes up (when output ="off") or make a statue fall down (when output="on").

And to make sure that neither the spikes nor the statue move before the randomizer was even triggered, we could make some crazy logic shit with AND and NOT gates. :-D



Another thing that just came back to my mind that also would be cool to get would be a permanent button.
I somehow manage to also reproduce it with logic gates but it just would be cool if there were some trigger like a button.

Not like the arrow trigger we have right now (which only activates for a second and then instantly goes back to "off").
More like a light switch: you press it and the light goes on and (important!) also stays on for as long as the button is not pushed again.

I know that you can already achieve this with the flowers and stuff, but this requires a lot of space , an object that can be pushed on the flower and some way or someone who actually pushes it on there.
So it is quite inefficient especially when you have already used most of the levels space for other stuff.

An example: I create a level about a hero going out to defeat a certain dragon.
but since it's a dragon he needs a certain sword to kill him.
Most of the level will deal with the dangers to get to the sword, so theres not much space left to create a "pick the sword up"-button-solution.

Not to mention that pushing a statue on a button does not even nearly looks like picking up a sword. :-)

So something like a button would be cool.
You walk somewhere, push the button and a certain is turned permanently on.
And ifg you press it again, that trigger gets permanently turned off again.

Basically something like the down arrow object but instead with permanent changes and not just a short "flickering" of the trigger(jumping to "on" and instantly jump back to "off"). :-)



About the permanent trigger - You can easily perform it by using a single 'OR' gate - Just add an OR gate that has the same trigger for it's input and output - That's it! Once that trigger is activated (by anything such as killing a creature or pressing a button or whatnot) - It will stay active forever.

About the random - Interesting idea! Will definitely consider it.

Thanks for the suggestions!



When dealing with such events, as renboy said, it can be achieved with a single OR gate.

For example, when you pick, say, a sword, it will send a momentary trigger "SWORD" on the level, right? You can then wire it on a OR gate as this:


This way, the OR gate will power itself constantly, making it a permanently activated trigger.

However, while this works, such gates do not allow deactivating the trigger. When you intend to make it toggleable (like, Mitsu losing the sword somewhere in the game), you can use a S/R gate:


When you pick up trigger SWORD, the S/R gate will activate HAVE_SWORD and keep it until you activate LOSE_SWORD.



Gors is correct :)

Using the Set/Reset logic gate is a more elegant solution, even if you only want to turn the trigger on and never turn it off again.

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