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Quick short list of suggestions. It would be nice if:
- The adventure finder would remember my last search.
- You could use the keyboard in the Quit menu as well as other menus (like tabbing on buttons as well as on text boxes).
- Fixed keyboard layouts!!!.



-Not a bad idea, but I would try to enlarge its range search (I think the out of sight areas are more than those I know)
-Tabbing supremacy!!!
-°Iàve not idea what you are talking° çP XD

PS the third one was a joke but ironically resulted very fitting!

PPS Densch created a topic about general suggestion recently, I think I'll copy/quote this there

Errata Corrige: Ignore the 3rd point, the first time I posted it I couldn't visualize ir properly

  • Edited on 07/03/16
  • Edited on 07/03/16


A few more suggestions:
- Allow larger texts for the TextFX. It has space for barely 9 letters (less if you use all capitals) so creators usually have to use several of them to display longer messages.
- The Updates system has been waiting for an update itself :P. Having a 'Jump to page' option would be cool. I have 351 pages of updates so trying to see some of my early updates can be a real challenge for my patience :P.

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