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I think I should elaborate a bit about the lack of creations, and my rare visits lately. Not even attempting most of the missing levels anymore. I don't want you to think I left in a rage. Yes, there was a level that made me rage. But the decison to take a step back was made with a clear mind, based on logic.

I work a lot, and have a very limited amount of leisure time. I used to spend pretty much all of that here, missing out on lots of other things. Which was ok when the time spent was at least fun. But now, it's mostly frustration. Frustration on levels which are too hard, which lack checkpoints (or obstruct them), have ways to permanently fail them and/or have tough time limits. The more I play those levels, the more I dislike the game. So I better should stop doing so.

How exactly, that is something I'm still wondering. If I should completely avoid those creators whose levels usually frustrate me, which are - among the active builders - mostly you, mostro and Eeveeiott. Yeah, I know you partially tried to build levels for everybody. But just as I will never be able to play at your skill level, you probably will never be able to put yourself in the shoes of less skilled players while building. Even when you try, I see how you are - maybe without realizing - drawn back to build for your skills again. And if that's what you want, maybe that' what you should do. It's sad, as that means I have only teb's levels left to play. But I shouldnt tell you how to build your levels. So maybe I should really just avoid them. Better than to ever end up again in a situation like in Heart of Chaos, imo. Also as I will just keep complaining, so you will just end up frustrated, too. So me not playing is probably better for all, in the end.

A result of that is however also that I will earn even less gold than before. And even before I rarely ever got my exploration bonus anymore. It took me more than a week to get 4 completes, just to note that I haven't reached the 2 perfects (due to things like mostro's "easy to complete but hard to perfect" policy). Yeah, I still have some gold from past explorations. But I can't go on building weekly adventures while having pretty much no gold inflow at all. The result being that I dont dare to start creating adventures anymore. I have dozens of concepts on my notes, but every concept built closes the door for so many other concepts by draining the gold for it. So I am in a stalemate, just building nothing at all...

Hope that explains my inactivity a bit.

  • Edited on 07/08/16


I understand that and, unfortunately, for all practical purposes the game looks pretty much dead now :(. Out of the usual 5 or 6 "active" players in the game I haven't seen you, Eeveeiott, jus or zubit lately. It's a shame the game never got to keep players, if it had then it could potentially have hundreds of players making levels for all difficulty skills and you wouldn't have to complain about the hard levels made by a few of us.

This is the cruel world of indie game development, some games get all the attention, others are totally ignored no matter how good they are. I guess putting the game in a bundle could give a spark of activity but we have seen those before :(.

On the bright side, Eeveeiott added an "Easy mode" to Heart of chaos.



Glad that you don't take that personally.

And the so called "Easy Mode" of Heart of Chaos is the thing that made me realize that. Check the comments there and you will see. It only makes the beginning "easy" (not really), but the final fight and the pickup rush (with permafail) after it remain as hard as it ever was. No bright side, there.

@Eevee: Not meant to blame you or that level in particular, though. It could have been any other too hard / permafail level which could have made me realize that.



@Scheuchevogel: I'm pretty glad to hear that, because... Well, the reason I haven't been on recently is that I felt pretty bad about that whole thing and was afraid that you'd be mad at me.



i think scheu has pretty much summed up my situation ... ive done all the levels i can ( or am willing to attempt )so its just a waiting game now to see what happens next ...

IMO there is only teb and scheu that are making clever , playable levels right now ( and a few of the newcomers too )

im not into mook bending or shit like that so when those levels come up i have to ignore them - just like you , scheu !



I get what you mean

(Not sure if you already read it jus but I even after later and better uses of that technic I still believe that
mook bending<<<mook stepping

  • Edited on 12/08/16


Mook bending isn't even that hard to do :P.
But yes, mook stepping is easier and more useful :P.

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