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In the last few days a couple of new levels have been published that contain some parts that, in my opinion haven't even been tested by the creators. So, should level creators be asked to do a playthrough of their levels before publishing them to prove the level is completable/perfectable?. Same thing goes for editing as there's a few levels that were originally perfectable but then the creator made some changes and broke the level making it unperfectable.



i donno - i like to edit my levels a lot and add little visual flairs, fix dialogs and such - and i know that i wouldn't try to do half of those things if it meant i have to replay the level again from scratch...

nearly all the levels in the world are perfectable - so it's not like this is a major issue or anything - and forcing creators to replay (and perfect) their level every time from scratch on every little change will do more harm then help imo.



I fully understand both opinions. But in the end I tend towards zubit's. As I too keep changing little things like fixing background art, removing typos etc. My average adventure is at least published ten times. But I would probably not do such fixes anymore when each of these ten or more times I had to replay... :(

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