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I've played a few tutorials in the Takara Forest and they are really helpful, but there seem to be few tutorials in the Sapphire Cavern, and the adventures in the cavern are really really hard for me :(

So, are there any tutorials for the Sapphire Cavern adventures?



Your best chance is to find someone else coonected in the game and ask him to show you the way. Unfortunately, these days is really hard to see anyone connected at all :(.

That said, what levels are you having trouble with?.



Many of the tricks and hints in the tutorial levels in the forrest (for example the one at 77e) still help down there. But there are also some advanced tutorials in the caverns. Try to get to 1w14 or 12e11 for example



Thanks for the reply!

I was stuck in the Crimson Cave series (7w12 ~ 7w15). But just like what Scheuchevogel said, many of the skills needed to pass the adventure are not only related to the caverns. Maybe what I need are some advanced(?) move tutorials.

Thank Scheuchevogel for the tutorials. I just learned one can safely stop on a platform after dashing + jumping by pressing the attack key from the tutorials, and passed Crimson Cave I.



Crimson Cave is probably among the hardest levels of the game, at least in its deeper levels. If you find an adventure that seems way too hard, I suggest you go and play another adventures to gain more skill and then come back. Reading the comments and looking at the tags for an adventure can give you a hint on what you're getting into :P.

Also, yes, Zubit's Advanced Moves Boot Camp (1w14) and Gors' It's All About Momentum (12e11) are mandatory levels for any player :D.



Regarding the Crimson Cavern levels, the most important hint I can give you is: Avoid it unless you want the ultimate challenge. So incredibly frustrating. I completed and perfected almost ALL levels of Below Kryll. The few exceptions (which I even after hundreds and hundreds of attempts could not complete and/or not perfect) are almost exclusively in the Crimson Cave and in certain Eeveeiott series.



agree with scheu here , i cant get past a certain start section in one of the crimson cavern levels after many attempts - pretty sure only mostro knows how :)

avoid at all costs ...

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