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The title says it all, why is this game so dead? It's an amazing, really cool game that's really unique...
Just because it's really old doesn't mean it's bad..
If it's made in flash player i can see why that would mean no updates, but it actually seems to be made in adobe air.
If anyone reading this has Discord, i'd love to chat, btw, it'd be cool to see how many people *actually* play this game.
I also hope the servers stay up, too...
Anyways, please get in touch if you see this! It might actually be possible to ressurect the game if we spread awareness enough, and maybe ask the devs why there's been no updates (don't bug them too much though). Maybe someone could ask if they could take over developement?

  • Edited on 06/03/23


Hi! I used to play a lot, years ago. It's really a shame that the game has been abandoned, it's been a fantastic experience. No other game has gotten close in terms of creativity, worldbuilding and sense of community.
I've tried to reach out to one of the devs to ask about what happened to Below Kryll. Haven't got an response yet. But I guess it's pretty obvious that it just didn't have much success and they had to start working on a new project.

It would be great if someone could take over development and get this gem of a game back in the spotlight!



We can get in touch through Discord if you want? I'm semi in touch with some of the people that used to play a lot. my username is calixte#8994



Sure! I sent a freind request, I'm Nibroc#6758.
Also one of the devs responded to a steam community post I made, saying that it's mostly life and other projects that made them have to focus on other things, but they decided to still support it.

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