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Murder Mystery Mastery WIP, a level by JermEx, seems to be unfinished. And has been unfinished for 3 months or so, judging by the guestbook entries.

Thing is, it didn't really register to me that is was incomplete until I activated its shrine. The shurikens, aside from one, are literally unobtainable, so I can't 100% the level in its current state.

I had a 100% completed and perfected rating before this level, and I was enjoying keeping that at 100%. But hitting the shrine here has kinda screwed that up, and with how long the level's been wip, I don't know if that can be fixed...

So I was curious, is there some way staff could reset my progress on Murder Mystery Mastery WIP? So I basically haven't activated the shrine and thus have my 100% rating back?

I know it's a bit of a silly request, but I and my 100% rating would be indebted to any help. :3 Thanks.



(Oh, and the level's at Prime Meridian Floor 6, I forgot to mention. :3)



We are still talking about if and how "resetting" a completed area progress will work.
In the meantime, your specific issue can be fixed manually - it will be done in a couple of days.

Eventually though, it might be too hard to keep that 100% rating :)

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