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Was thinking of having our npc's say the players name, so we can enter a variable "x" in our dialog for np characters and when a player speaks to it, it will be able to fill in the variable with (eg.) "JermEx" or variable "y" says "ah look you've died "y" times.
or hey you are placed "w" on the hall of fame, or journey left and you'll reach area "Lz" go right and you'll enter area "Rz".
or that note was a "var.a"
or hmm... -"x" thinks to himself
or the "var.b"(1st/2nd/3rd/4th) time is the lucky one.





Sounds very interesting...
Though the player's nickname should be personal and Mitsu should be treated as "Mitsu", it would still be interesting to add some keywords that would automatically be replaced with some data that depends on the player's actions or current situation.

Thanks for the suggestion!

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