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so i've been thinking that we could have materializing blocks as epic items.

-Blocks can be bought in bunches, much like notes;
-Blocks are solid from all ways, like soil/walls;
-They cannot be moved by other platforms/objects;
-Blocks can be triggered on and off, appearing and disappearing if you do so;
--It allows for making more interesting puzzles, or simulating construction of a building through triggers;


-Blocks respect the same block grid as soil/walls;
-Cannot be placed on top of things, much like soil/walls;
-Blocks can be triggered on or off, like a switch;
-If the block materializes while something is in the place, it's destroyed or killed:
--Mitsu dies instantly;
--Bonons, Enura and Vespi die instantly;
--If a pine tree, statue or express log is in the same place of a materializing block, it'll disregard it until it leaves the spot, and colliding with it the block next time will stop it;
--Barrels break instantly.

--Cadmeons and Mooks die instantly;
--If a Helicopter, totem or Ouija slab is in the same place of a materializing block, it'll disregard it until it leaves the spot, and colliding with it the block next time will stop it;
--Halcyons activates.



I totally agree with this. The activatable blocks in terraria come to mind.

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