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Guestbook of Mitsu the mage

by avatar-Nibroc Nibroc

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avatar-Lunar Lunar
5 years, 23 days ago
Fun little level.
avatar-Nibroc Nibroc
5 years, 29 days ago
water i running because A: you get the speed of water, and B: there was nothing else to use
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
5 years, 29 days ago
I didnt understand why water is running, but I enjoyed the adventure a lot. :D +1
avatar-Nibroc Nibroc
5 years, 30 days ago
Oh, just make sure you say that i made the original though.
avatar-Nibroc Nibroc
5 years, 30 days ago
You can add another adventure to make it a series if you want. (i'm not really sure what else i can do for other elements)
avatar-mostro mostro
5 years, 30 days ago
Nice use of the mutators, I liked it. +1.
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