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Guestbook of Invade the castle!

by avatar-Lunar Lunar

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avatar-Lunar Lunar
5 years, 6 days ago
Yeah I just realised adding a checkpoint for a reset would be super easy, my b that i didn't pick up on that earlier. You can now leave the castle to reset the alarm.
avatar-jus jus
5 years, 13 days ago
i agree with scheu ...
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
5 years, 20 days ago
The difficulty would be alright if being spotted wouldnt require complete restart of the adventure. Its the combination of both that makes it bothersome. I gave a +1 anyway, but think it should be enhanced a bit.
avatar-mostro mostro
5 years, 21 days ago
Pretty good adventure. While it took me a few retries, I don't think it is too hard or time consuming as Scheuchevogel implies. +1.
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
5 years, 21 days ago
Also, you should give an indication of something bad happening (like the shuriken being locked away) when it happens. There is no indication whatsoever. I like the fake shuriken, btw. :)
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
5 years, 21 days ago
Missing shuriken 1, I guess because I got spotted. But to be honest the adventure is too hard / time intensive to completely replay it upon being spotted. :(
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