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Guestbook of Mitsu Breaks A Door

by avatar-Luther-Dewott Luther-Dewott

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avatar-mostro mostro
6 years, 155 days ago
Yeah, now that you mention it, there's a 5000-10000 XP gap and you're only 4 completed levels and 10 perfected levels below my own stats :O. Impressive!. That doesn't seem like enough levels for the XP gap. Although... some/most of them must be floor 18...
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
6 years, 156 days ago
I have been for quite a while already, mostro. Pretty much since Eevee became inactive.And I find a two level gap quite high considering I am only missing a few levels out of all the thousands. (Most of them being Eevee's)
avatar-mostro mostro
6 years, 156 days ago
I thought there was a greater gap between my level and yours :O. You must be the second highest ranked player now, then :O. Congrats :D!.
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
6 years, 158 days ago
I just reached 87 in the adventure below. XD
avatar-mostro mostro
6 years, 158 days ago
Nice, simple level. Good to see you around again. Also, reached level 89 here :D.
avatar-Toastpiratew Toastpiratew
6 years, 160 days ago
nice, easy, and short
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
6 years, 162 days ago
I killed so many mice in this. XD They are cute, but... the moneys! >_< Simple but nice, welcome back! +1
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