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Guestbook of Attack of the Vespi Hive!

by avatar-Charem Charem

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avatar-deathx88 deathx88
5 years, 330 days ago
Died in the upper area of the hive, now I'm locked out. was enjoying until this level breaking glitch.
avatar-ErisShrugged ErisShrugged
6 years, 155 days ago
Joining the "locked out of the upper level" rage club.
avatar-Psyringe Psyringe
7 years, 32 days ago
Great combat level that rewards a patient and methodical approach. DO activate the upper bonsai as soon as you can, or you might have to restart the level: If you die in the upper chamber while it's locked down, and respawn outside, you'll never get back in.
avatar-AiramRoque AiramRoque
7 years, 359 days ago
a vespi just pinned me on the wall and boom.
avatar-jus jus
8 years, 172 days ago
Removed by poster
avatar-jus jus
8 years, 172 days ago
Removed by poster
avatar-jus jus
8 years, 173 days ago
Removed by poster
avatar-Prival Prival
8 years, 179 days ago
One of the best i ve played.
avatar-densch densch
8 years, 261 days ago
Great . Didnt see the spawn point, got killed by a vespi guard and now Im outside with no way to get inside again. great.
avatar-jus jus
8 years, 271 days ago
it really spoils all the fun in this level when those top gates close and lock you out ...
avatar-Fritz_b Fritz_b
8 years, 346 days ago
Perfecting this after perfecting `Payback`.... I`m going for a lie down lol ;D I panicked with what the old guy said at the end, but it`s still reachable (if I can get there anyone can) Only thing I hated was having to do it twice due to dying before top bonsai (grr) +1
avatar-Oren Oren
9 years, 216 days ago
Finally! what an adventure! Thank you :)
avatar-Xotano Xotano
9 years, 362 days ago
wow so many people hate this level and i beat it just fine.
avatar-mostro mostro
9 years, 363 days ago
The fact that the access is closed once you get to the top of the hive, forcing you to restart the level if you die is just plain stupid. It's not platforming or level design, it's just wrong. I would downvote this level if I could.
avatar-Darknight1 Darknight1
10 years, 21 days ago
stupid fucking level noone can pass
avatar-Xotano Xotano
10 years, 22 days ago
finally finished perfectly with the help of high level skills :D
avatar-fervour fervour
10 years, 89 days ago
HAte this level
avatar-Anansi Anansi
10 years, 112 days ago
I loved the level, but can you just put in a button or something to put in a shortcut after the crushers, going through it multiple times seems excessive.
avatar-Phillip Phillip
10 years, 120 days ago
Doing list: Ask person in this area to add 101 vespi, also, you can change that sign about coming from the left, becuase I made it so a bunch of vespi attack you if you came from the right!
avatar-Shockwave Shockwave
10 years, 123 days ago
A bit too harsh for my blood :( I can't manage to do the sequence right. Maybe I'm missing something?
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