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Guestbook of Friendly Wildlife

by avatar-Luther-Dewott Luther-Dewott

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avatar-jus jus
3 years, 204 days ago
the tower is too hard
avatar-Luther-Dewott Luther-Dewott
3 years, 279 days ago
I'm probably gonna mark it as WIP juuuuust in case something happens around where I live P: like power getting knocked out, etc
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
3 years, 280 days ago
You're putting a lot of efforts in the next one, it seems. :O Careful to not let it expire.
avatar-Eeveeiott Eeveeiott
3 years, 285 days ago
Awesome level! Always love seeing the nudges used in creative ways, and this level does not disappoint. Fun puzzles all around! +1
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
3 years, 285 days ago
And giving the hard tag due to the Tower. The third section was a bit too much, requires almost pixel perfect timing, with a trigger that has a delay between jumping and reacting. But anyway, +1.
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
3 years, 285 days ago
Did the entity forget in the last third that we were supposed to not kill any wildlife? :P
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
3 years, 285 days ago
I had a hunch what the entity might be, and one certain comment about the "Twoer" (Tower) seems to confirm. :P
avatar-mostro mostro
3 years, 285 days ago
Pretty elaborate, solid for a floor 4 adventure. +1.
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