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by avatar-Zenchess Zenchess

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avatar-Mitsu443 Mitsu443
7 years, 6 days ago
If you didn't know how to done this.look here.Push 29 times on "33",twice on "14",and third on "6".IT will done. :) GOOD LUCK
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
8 years, 68 days ago
I'll give a +1 for the effort that must have been put into programming this, though it was hardly fun to play... :/
avatar-Gors Gors
8 years, 222 days ago
ahh btw can you make it so you can open the door from the inside of the shrine room? it would be easier to teleport into it :)
avatar-Gors Gors
8 years, 222 days ago
really nice adder!! I wanted to make something similar but i had no technical knowledge for this one <:C
avatar-Eeveeiott Eeveeiott
8 years, 222 days ago
Amazing level!
avatar-mostro mostro
8 years, 223 days ago
Got it. I have no idea how you did this :O!.
avatar-Zenchess Zenchess
8 years, 223 days ago
The binary counter, once I figured out how to do it, was just a lot of copy-paste work. THe new 'flip flop' gate makes it less logic gates.
avatar-Eagleheart Eagleheart
8 years, 223 days ago
Pretty clever little level. I really like it compared to the last one. I wonder how tough it was to implement the binary counter.
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 223 days ago
Amazing concept!
avatar-Problematique Problematique
8 years, 223 days ago
dude this is incredible
avatar-Zenchess Zenchess
8 years, 223 days ago
Thanks! Stay tuned for my next creation, a video game in a video game :)
avatar-zubit zubit
8 years, 223 days ago
I don't even know what tags to put for this - maybe we need an OMG AWESOME tag :D
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