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Guestbook of Easy or Hard?

by avatar-nftyw nftyw

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avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 77 days ago
Possible level. Very cool design. Thinking about it, it insperied a bit my adventure below
avatar-Xct3R_aAa Xct3R_aAa
8 years, 221 days ago
That's impossible to pass
avatar-zubit zubit
10 years, 129 days ago
wow- such a great idea to do 2 paths that manage to take all the shurikens but one is hard and one is easy :)
avatar-Shockwave Shockwave
10 years, 129 days ago
Thanks for the head notice. Maybe its a good idea to put a sign or an NPC near the shrine - so this message won't get lost in the future comments
avatar-nftyw nftyw
10 years, 129 days ago
Author's note: This map requires entry from the left or right to complete. It might be easier or harder, depending on how you come in!
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