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Guestbook of Sewage Trap

by avatar-Luther-Dewott Luther-Dewott

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avatar-BrianH BrianH
7 years, 237 days ago
well designed
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
8 years, 95 days ago
For me, there is never a 10th banana after I got 9. :(
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 194 days ago
I think I figured what that glitch is. If found in a level I was doing that if a pickup is covered in the moment of respawning, it can't always works properly!
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 199 days ago
All that for one shuriken.... Dang D: Also that banana puzzle was really fun and clever, even though I don't get how bananas unlocked a gate.... It kept glitching btw. :( And yay to Mitsu fixing a relationship! So wait, did Leela lie and set you up in Lost Caves??
avatar-Darkstar Darkstar
8 years, 206 days ago
very good
avatar-hasan hasan
8 years, 219 days ago
avatar-Blackmaker Blackmaker
8 years, 221 days ago
The key room was a bit odd for me, but I relly enjoyed it overall.
avatar-jus jus
8 years, 228 days ago
yeah , enjoyed that ! great puzzle idea in the bottom left ...
avatar-mostro mostro
8 years, 234 days ago
Nice leve. Is it the birth of a female evil scientist?.
avatar-Luther-Dewott Luther-Dewott
8 years, 234 days ago
So if one of them fails to respawn properly, you have to respawn at the teal check point to reset them properly again.
avatar-Luther-Dewott Luther-Dewott
8 years, 234 days ago
Hehe, thanks you all! @tebkanlo Yeah, that's what the glitch was. If it says something like "8 remaining" at the start, that means some of them didn't respawn properly. And they're supposed to spawn after picking up one after another.
avatar-zubit zubit
8 years, 234 days ago
very nice! good challange too!
avatar-Eeveeiott Eeveeiott
8 years, 234 days ago
Wonderful level as always, Luther!
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 234 days ago
first of all NICE LEVEL! I hoped to encounter more emory enura riders, but nevermind. About the glitch, a couple of times i was waiting for the next bananakey to appeared and nothing happened.
avatar-Luther-Dewott Luther-Dewott
8 years, 234 days ago
I don't know what causes it and if anyone has any ideas, that would be nice :x
avatar-Luther-Dewott Luther-Dewott
8 years, 234 days ago
There's an odd glitch / oversight with the key room. If you restart in the middle of it, sometimes some of the pick ups won't respawn. If it says that there's less than 10 pick ups remaining, respawn at the checkpoint to fix it.
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