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Guestbook of Mook Cavern

by avatar-Kevin Kevin

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avatar-Nibor Nibor
8 years, 160 days ago
There. Finished it. Seriously? NO cottages at all?
avatar-Nibor Nibor
8 years, 160 days ago
Cod, so many mooks and NO cottages. (That I've found.)
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 243 days ago
Though adventure, if you want to perfect it without arming the ecosystem. +1
avatar-Fritz_b Fritz_b
8 years, 351 days ago
I rated it hard because the initial `breaking in` can be very tricky (or at least it took me a few tries) but with a bit of patience it`s absolutely perfectable. I think it`s better to pray and try and do in one run as you really want to thin the mooks out. +1
avatar-Darkstar Darkstar
8 years, 351 days ago
Tough but fair. Really enjoyed this one!
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