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Guestbook of Dusty Stockades

by avatar-JermEx JermEx

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avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
8 years, 82 days ago
If I remember the level correct the gaps are just too big for ordinary wall jump / dash combinations.
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 82 days ago
Wall are not yet your forte?
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
8 years, 83 days ago
Another one of those levels where I don't have the lightest ideq how I could possible make the jumps (after the first respawn). Makes me sad, considering people seem to like the story so much. D:
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 172 days ago
What an adventure! +1
avatar-Darkstar Darkstar
8 years, 346 days ago
After playing it a second time to perfect it i have 100 percent confidence in jermex as a designer. this level is perfect at what it attempts. as good as it gets.
avatar-Darkstar Darkstar
8 years, 346 days ago
Great dialogue and atmosphere, level design and progression. truely made me feel something in my lump impressive!
avatar-Fritz_b Fritz_b
8 years, 351 days ago
I knew this was going to be dark from the start but now I feel really sicky after completing it. You know a storyline is going to horrify you when a single sentence makes you shudder. +1, so glad to have found a truly psychologically moving level!
avatar-sirjew sirjew
9 years, 48 days ago
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