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Guestbook of Mitsu Quest (BETA)

by avatar-Gors Gors

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avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
7 years, 212 days ago
See comment below, Brian.
avatar-BrianH BrianH
7 years, 212 days ago
couldn't get into last room
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
8 years, 3 days ago
Ok, thanks for the feedback.
avatar-Gors Gors
8 years, 3 days ago
yeah, the beta is still incomplete. I`m working on it
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
8 years, 29 days ago
And again. Strange that I keep getting such bugs while other people don't. Or is the 4th monster just not accessible yet in the beta?
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
8 years, 29 days ago
I have defeated monster 1-3, bought all items, talked to all persons,... but the gate to the final monster just does not open. ;_;
avatar-zubit zubit
8 years, 103 days ago
amazing concept and execution!!
avatar-Gors Gors
8 years, 105 days ago
The HP is refilled upon teleporting now! Enemies will not attack after they`re dead, either. (unless you purposedly do the check command after they`re dead - I cant do much about it)
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 108 days ago
Also the HP bar is not refilled in case of shrine entrance unless sleeping first!
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 108 days ago
Orc swings his club. Club hits his head. Orc defeated. This scene is familiar... 10 points to Griffindor!
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 108 days ago
waiting the sequel! (And hope no one in the meantime takes the east area from the top-east path)
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 108 days ago
Clever job! Still it could has something not right! Slime keeping acting for one turn or orc defeated with my final blow. But this happened the second time I retried it. The first it was smooth (except a -1 HP that clearly was a critical hit).
avatar-Gors Gors
8 years, 108 days ago
dealing double damage often is not an issue - it must`ve been luck! the syatem relies on rhythm of the bonon contraptions so it is perfectly possible - unless youre standing still on the attack. you need to tap it and jump for more challenge
avatar-mostro mostro
8 years, 109 days ago
Clever implementation, though. Watching the logic in action was interesting.
avatar-mostro mostro
8 years, 109 days ago
Much better but it seems some bugs remain. I kept dealing double damage, I don't know if that's normal. Also, the orc battle keeps going on even after the orc is defeated, so I was able to get killed even after killing the orc.
avatar-Eeveeiott Eeveeiott
8 years, 109 days ago
It worked much better now! Great job! Honestly this is much better than my O&O system. Hopefully when I get back to it I can refine the system to be half as good as this one!
avatar-Gors Gors
8 years, 109 days ago
all the bugs have been fixed (I hope!!) If you find more, please tell me. another item was added for extra fun :)
avatar-Gors Gors
8 years, 109 days ago
thanks for the inputs. this level`s complexity got so high that I couldn`t betatest it by myself alone. I will work on it according to the complaints posted here. Thanks for your cooperation
avatar-jus jus
8 years, 110 days ago
its frozen on the last big orc for me ...
avatar-mostro mostro
8 years, 110 days ago
Interesting idea, still a bit buggy, though.
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