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by avatar-Gors Gors

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avatar-TsReaper TsReaper
2 years, 299 days ago
Love this. So educative.
avatar-Damonp45 Damonp45
3 years, 254 days ago
And for being truly good, the garden was full for me.
avatar-Damonp45 Damonp45
3 years, 254 days ago
A morality system... nice. There should be more things like this. Personally, I struggled a bit with the hobo choice, but ultimately, I gave up the food. The money was also a tiny struggle, but the present was an easy choice.
avatar-Igos Igos
7 years, 240 days ago
Soo beaultiful *-*
avatar-BrianH BrianH
7 years, 246 days ago
avatar-www1850897870 www1850897870
7 years, 302 days ago
I have a education
avatar-RealMedman RealMedman
8 years, 61 days ago
Very good story
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
8 years, 87 days ago
I think this needs a new kind of tag. But hard to define which. Philosophy maybe? I'm kind of curious what you see if it's not flowers (especially seeing the death sword at this position), but as this is life I shall not go back and change the experience. :)
avatar-JermEx JermEx
8 years, 91 days ago
Aw Gors! This is touching :)
avatar-ArkhamVonWic ArkhamVonWic
8 years, 209 days ago
I absolutely love adventures like these.
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 215 days ago
And you sound like such a generous kind person! There's so many mean people in this world. I see them everyday on the internet, but it warms my know that there's still some really nice people out there.
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 215 days ago
Originally I was really peeved, thinking you wanted us to take the selfish path because each time I gave the item away, I never got the key that I assumed was important. But then the ending . . . . it actually made me emotional. This is such a beautiful message.
avatar-densch densch
8 years, 248 days ago
That was some really deep stuff,man! :O
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 289 days ago
A really nice yet simple adventure! It seems to be is necessary a tag for philosophical & deep adventures like this one!
avatar-jus jus
8 years, 289 days ago
deep man !
avatar-zubit zubit
8 years, 289 days ago
i'm pretty sure i saved that man from a relationship with a woman that is only interested in gifts :)
avatar-zubit zubit
8 years, 289 days ago
avatar-mostro mostro
8 years, 289 days ago
Interesting level design. I like how your decisions affect the outcome of the story.
avatar-Eeveeiott Eeveeiott
8 years, 289 days ago
Wow, very impactful! Wonderful level!
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