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Guestbook of A Lesson about Success and Failures

by avatar-densch densch

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avatar-Astral0 Astral0
6 years, 337 days ago
An interesting puzzler with a deep message!
avatar-BrianH BrianH
7 years, 110 days ago
I'm confused. So confused. But I did it.
avatar-DeathGun DeathGun
7 years, 250 days ago
avatar-AiramRoque AiramRoque
8 years, 22 hours ago
I cheated finishing this game
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 214 days ago
but even if it was a good thing, even if you were trying to teach people morals, you do NOT write distasteful offensive things like that. Not only is this a kids game, but all sorts of people can be offended. Not to mention reading that about rape could trigger victims.
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 214 days ago
I was told I "failed the quest" but I never got a quest to begin with. And the fact that some of your signs said to, and I quote, "rape innocent people" and about seeing me in hell? I'm so appalled right now. I don't know what kind of point you were trying to make
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 214 days ago
the puzzle for them didn't make any sense. Rather, it wasn't working right. No matter what button I pressed, it wouldn't save them. No matter what I did, I got the same outcome. The moving planks in the bottom left also kept getting stuck on each other.
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 214 days ago
in this case, it makes it frusterating. Not to be harsh but this map was a cluttered confusing mess. I didn't even get to all the areas, like the soul mate, pet, or even above you. Maybe I wasn't supposed to get in where the soul mate was but in that case,
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 214 days ago
I don't get this level at all. You say there's a second part to the map so maybe I'm missing something, but I only seen 2 ways to enter this map and one of them was "wrong." And why wouldn't the maps be connected? I guess it's an interesting idea but
avatar-densch densch
8 years, 287 days ago
For everyone there is a second part on this map. so to speak a second chance.
avatar-densch densch
8 years, 288 days ago
Where is the problem?
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 288 days ago
I'm more puzzled, now. The block passed and not me?!
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 288 days ago
I see there is something NEW around here!! :D
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 362 days ago
Am I the only one bothered to can't read the sign over the shrine? Seriously! I don't get past the door after the Your Soulmate death!
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
9 years, 32 days ago
The only toad whose death I'm sad
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
9 years, 32 days ago
I can't get to pass the second road, I get stuck at last the door to to shrine, the one over Your Soulmate
avatar-jufroftw jufroftw
9 years, 45 days ago
Having to restart for completing the puzzle is silly.
avatar-jufroftw jufroftw
9 years, 45 days ago
I think this could be improved massively by both paths leading to victroy, but with conflictiong messages.
avatar-zubit zubit
9 years, 87 days ago
ok, perfected (with the help of mostro :)) - wow, that was definitely 'different'! very impressive level (i hope others will get it!)
avatar-zubit zubit
9 years, 87 days ago
getting into this level is pretty tricky!
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