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Guestbook of Mitsu's Hideout

by avatar-ArtixBot ArtixBot

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avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
8 years, 5 days ago
Amazing concept and trigger work! Though even with full updates it still takes a bit long to complete it. Anyway, surely a +1
avatar-densch densch
8 years, 280 days ago
The camp is west not east ^^
avatar-densch densch
8 years, 280 days ago
Can you please tell me one thing: How did you mange that they 3 bonons are respawned once one of them get killed?
avatar-zubit zubit
8 years, 287 days ago
also did the 'secret objective' :)
avatar-zubit zubit
8 years, 287 days ago
really really fun! no idea how you did this :D
avatar-mostro mostro
8 years, 305 days ago
Wow! This is a really impressive mix of RPG elements and the new respawn options.
avatar-Eeveeiott Eeveeiott
8 years, 306 days ago
At first I thought this would be boring and repetitive, but after you play a bit and get to explore freely it becomes a lot of fun! Great job, Artix!
avatar-ArtixBot ArtixBot
8 years, 306 days ago
Mitsu gets his own hideout in this level! Enjoy! :D
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